Replicas - A past to touch, experience and love.
It is a fascination which has already made history. A fascination of the here and now - and a fascination with which each and every Steiff friend and Steiff collector is continued into the future: the fascination of Steiff replicas. Each and every Steiff stuffed animal and teddy bear has its very own personality, which has its very own story behind it. Steiff bears are born to be part of a story to be shared with their owner.
Each Steiff teddy bear of the limited replica edition is a fascinating entity, an entity which brings the flair of the past into the now: because each replica teddy bear, from head to paw, fibre for fibre, seam for seam is a faithful recreation of the very first teddy bear from the very first day. The Steiff teddy bear is lovingly hand made and decorated with traditional tools and in accordance with the original design - as only in this way can the sort of perfection Steiff strives for be possible.
When you make your acquaintance with the new Steiff replicas, you will see it and experience it: these Steiff bears are very special indeed. Unique. Charming. With strong character. Unmistakable and unbelievably lovable. These superlatives are what replicas of today have in common with their likeness from the past.
For that reason, it is not surprising that the most senior teddy bear among the teddy bears, who himself is more than one hundred years old, should be so proud of the Steiff family of replica teddy beras. A big family of Steiff bears that, from year to year, grows ever so slightly. Steiff replicas are simply the most perfect Steiff bears, happiness and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Every single Steiff replica teddy bear has a black and white "button in ear", so Steiff friends and Steiff collectors can always know which bears to look for.