These 2 lovely Steiff Teddy Bears were really good sellers yesterday. Our customers noticed that we had these bears in stock and decided that they were the perfect Steiff additions for their homes.
Lizzy teddy bear seen at the top of this entry is a cosy bear that is great for kids. Customers yesterday noted that their little girls would would love the fact that Lizzy is 40cm and part of the JustTeddies cosy range. She is just £39.95 on JustTeddies which is a great price for a Steiff teddy bear of this size. She of course features the Steiff "Button in ear" to prove her authenticity.
The bear towards the bottom of this entry is simply called Classic teddy bear russet. He is fully jointed and one of the most popular colour of bear available. The real advantage of this Steiff bear is that despite being fully jointed, he is not hard or solid. By this we mean that he is cuddly despite being a classic teddy bear made from the quality components expected from the worlds premium teddy bear brand.
Classic teddy bear russet is only 89.95 on www.JustTeddies.co.uk at the moment so make sure to get him quick before he sells out.
At JustTeddies we are really looking forward to the new Steiff range due to hit shelves from the 3rd of February. Though we have seen all the new bears, and there are some real stunners, we are glad that we ordered enough limited edition Steiff bears last year so that we can make 2010 limited edition bears available for our customers aswell. 2010 was a great year for Steiff teddy bears, limited editions were made using new techniques and new mohair colours. Edward teddy bear for example has golden green mohair, a truly amazing colour that gives the impression and feel of an antique bear without any of the downsides.