Wednesday, 12 January 2011

We're back!! New limited editions ordered!

Greetings all Steiff followers and collectors.

We at Justteddies are very sorry that we have haven't posted in such a long time.

We are going to make it up to all our followers by bringing you breaking news about all the new Steiff limited edition bears that are due to come into stock over the next 3 months.

Every year just before the Nuremberg toy fair (Thursday the 3rd of February) the best Steiff sellers in the UK are given the option to order their Spring limited edition Steiff teddy bears.

We had a visit yesterday from the head of Steiff sales in the UK and were delighted to be considered among this elite group of Steiff sellers.

We looked in amazement at all the new teddy bears and limited editions and ordered more than ever before to have the best possible selection on the internet.

We will keep you notified as soon as new stock comes in but rest assured that there are some amazing new limited editions on the way including a bright green replica and a baby safe mohair bear. This is becoming the most exciting year for Steiff in a long time and we at JustTeddies are very happy to be a part of it.

If anyone has any questions about any Steiff bears or items please give us a call on 01536 264611 or email us at

We will try our best to update this blog every day.